What Can I Do for You?

Depending on the level of edit you're needing or looking for, I can do the following:

Developmental/Content Editing: Are you just starting to pull together your characters and the world they live in? Need a soundboard for some of your ideas or your plot? If you already have these things but it feels awkward or out of order, that's where I come in.

Line Editing: This area consists of many parts. Here's just a few examples:

Word Choice: Sometimes words or ideas get used more than once (because it sounds good). On occasion, it happens in the same sentence, paragraph, or section. It's best to make sure you're not repeating yourself.
Point of View: Having a hard time staying with 1st person or 3rd person? What's the difference?
  • 1st: Uses "I" as the personal pronoun. Example of this POV is The Hunger Games trilogy.
  • 3rd: There are several types of 3rd person. Limited narrative is when the story is told from one character's perspective. Objective is like a "fly on the wall" perspective, observing all your characters but not describing what they are thinking or feeling. Omniscient is when the narrator describes what each character in the story sees, hears, and feels. 
Tenses: Past (happened a while ago), present (happening now), and future (will happen) are all important. Just not all in the same sentence. This is another part of being consistent.

Consistency: Did your character start out with blonde hair, but three chapters later, she's a brunette? Making sure your character traits remain the same throughout can be tricky.

Copyediting/Proofreading: this is where the nitpicky stuff happens.
  • Grammar & Spelling: I will read through your project for a basic spelling and grammar check. Because those red and green squiggly lines aren't always going to give you the answers you want or need.

Contact me at juliasallen@gmail.com